Sunday 22 May 2011


His work embraces many media, from delicate etchings to vast murals, as well as otherworldly short films using animated models ad mxed media. Drawing is central to Ericailcane's output and he almost always carries a pad of paper ad an Indian ink pen around with him. 'Drawing is away of talking without opening my mouth'. Often his aim is to capture a particular atmosphere using inspirations from the word around him- expeiences such as travelling, people, things and animals; 'I try to draw what I see and what I'm feeling'.
Ericailcane collaborated with famous street artist Blu and cam together to form a mural piece named 'Skating Team'.  The main piece is self explanatory and and gives the idea of skating.  I really like this piece because it has  different context from both the artists.  

Images taken from: 

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