Friday, 18 March 2011

The Fame Game

Hello is a weekly magazine focusing on celebrity gossip and life stories.  Hello originated from Spain (Hola), which was launched in 1944.  At this time people were starting to become obsessed with knowing celebrity private lives. Compared to other celebrity magazines, Hello is one that respect celebrity lives and usually have good relationships with them. This allows the magazine to created strong relationships with many famous people.  Because of the strong relationship Hello offers exclusive photos and interviews from the stars. However they mostly pay for their exclusive interviews and photos. It provides the amount of content that a monthly magazine does.  

In this day and age it seems that mostly everyone is obsessed with knowing famous peoples lives. With technology now anyone can simply take a picture of a celebrity and send them in to any magazine.  This obsession makes famous people’s lives no longer private.  Young people today are obsessed with being famous. Programs such as Big Brother give normal people the chance to have their slice of fame during the program and after.